Welcome to my woolly little blog!!

Welcome to my woolly little blog!!
You are welcome to browse, comment, ask questions,
seek advice on a knitting issue and find out more about Shetland and it's world renowned wool.
Plus, some snippets and snaps from my everyday life.
So pull up a chair and sit awhile, away from the rush of the world.
Please do not use any images from my blog as most of them, unless otherwise stated, are my own work.
You are more than welcome to read, comment and follow!

Thursday, 3 May 2012

Making Progress Once Again.....and Having Babies!!!

It has been a couple of months since I last posted on here but there are a couple of very good and valid reasons for that. First and foremost I was not very well for several weeks but I'm coming through that now and beginning to enjoy doing things again.
Secondly, I've been 'growing' my own little flock of sheep!! I'm very excited about that. I advertised locally to see if I could get a sheep park near where I live and was blessed with one which is less than five minutes drive from my house. I now have 5 Shetlands, one Cheviot and 2 rare breed Soay sheep.
Here are some photos for you.......

Aren't they adorable? These are twin sisters a year old and I have named them
Yaisah and Shulah

Now my gorgeous Shetlands.....






And last, but by no means least, my darling Cheviot ewe....


Leelah is my "golden girl". Her and I have some things in common, eg. not as many teeth as we used to have, bad hair days aplenty, weathered complexion....to name a few!! She's just as sweet as they come and will happily follow me around the field and eat out of the food bucket wherever I set it down. The Soays are quite tame but can be 'spooked' easily, so I'm now sitting in the pen with them as they all feed just to let them know I'm not going to hurt them.
Sjovah is a little more wary because I had to get hold of her one evening as I thought she'd lost an ear tag. So she's a little distant with me at the minute but that'll change. I hold the food bucket!!
OK. I'll leave you with that just now. Hope you like the sheep pics. Thank you for visiting. Please feel free to follow if you're not already doing so.
Until next time......

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for visiting our blog, Kate. Your sheep look wonderful and are obviously well loved. Loved your description of Leelah. It brought back memories of our Sally, an 'old girl' that was given to us when we bought some younger sheep. She had some beautiful lambs. We are really enjoying browsing through your Shetland pictures.
    Take care.
