Here's a photo......
Today I've been thinking of what I need to get knitted for the local shows this year. Where I live there is a local show that takes place just over our garden fence! Not far to travel to that one. The year before last I came home with 5 rosettes and a trophy. The trophy was for "Best in Show" jam. It was strawberry jam and I think the jar was empty next day!!
Last year I had been ill for several months and didn't manage to get anything made to enter. Hoping this year I'll manage knitwear, chutney, jam, maybe some artwork too. We'll see. The lace shawl and some scarves is my main goal.
Well, I'd better press on. I've got holes to make in some knitting!!See you again soon.
Until then, stretch your boundaries and discover new heights!

I love the shawl! The colors are perfect and I like the detailing on the edges. Very pretty! I found your blog by searching "profiles" and typing in "Maine". Most of my blog is about living in the great state of Maine with my wonderful husband, our rabbit, and our guinea pig. We can all be found at:
I hope you swing by for a quick visit! Have a fantastic weekend!
Thank you SO much for your lovely comment and for stopping by. You are very welcome over here at my blog and I send you warm greetings from the Shetland Isles! Feel free to become a follower so you can be updated when I add new posts. I'm about half way through the last quarter of the shawl and hope to finish that part tomorrow then begin on the last round of peaks. I will also be posting a photo when the shawl is on the stretcher so don't miss that either. I have 10 lace garments I want to knit for a couple of shows later this year. Well, I'm just going to drop by your blog now. Please call again soon!! Kate