But let me begin by showing you a couple of reprinted Shetland postcards depicting hardy Shetland women from generations back,walking home from the peat hill with a "kishie" of peats on their backs and knitting their Fair Isle garments or lace scarves or shawls as they go! These women were certainly a breed all their own! I can't see many women or young ones today being able or willing to tackle such chores in this way, but to them it was a way of life. It was all they knew. Their husbands would have been away at the fishing or perhaps the whaling and they were left at home to see to the children (often large families too!), making sure the winter fuel of peat was safely taken home and then they also earned a little extra money by way of knitting, or 'makkin' as it is known in Shetland.
Here are the postcards.......

My current project though is a gilet for my hubby. He chose the pattern and the wool and I should be able to finish it in the next few days. This is the pattern and wool. The colours are gorgeous and very suited to this time of year as we seem to be saying goodbye to the summer we never had and are being blown quickly into autumn!!

Once I finish the gilet I am going to start learning how to knit a Shetland shawl. I think the pattern below is the one I will use. It's beautiful and will look stunning in the natural shaded colours of Shetland wool.
What do you think?

Off now for a cup of tea and to knit a few rows on the gilet.
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